Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Blogologues research Part 1

Blogologues were found by two young women named Allison Goldberg and Jen Jamula in New York. Spring 2011. Blogologues are a sketch comedy show that acts out blog posts from blogs. Blogologues are internet performed Verbatim, Both of them created this because there were way too many people trying to get into Broadway so they thought of making their own form and theater and thats how and why Blogologues were made and found. Blogologues has been critiqued by "The New York times, CBS New York, Theguardian,Time Out New York and such.

Blogologues consists of a few themes such as Blogologue health and fitness: Kale in me softly, Blogologues technoganza: Like a LOLcat watching itself on youtube and Are you there,God?, Its me Blogologues.
The idea and the concept of Lively productions revolve around Blogologues and in the past few year the popularity of this show has increased a lot. The Average ticket page view is 2000+  and the number of people the attend the show is 300. There are 1.4k + likes on Facebook,There are 10.5K followers on Twitter and the Average media impression is 780k per show. The numbers are pretty high and the feedback that they get are positive.

personally I like the concept of this kind of theater and its rather amazing how strange or funny people can be when they post or blog about their everyday lives expecting someone to read or even perform them on stage. `These people browse the internet looking for varies of posts from craigslist ,twitter,facebook and such to perform it for varies of audience that would come in and watch their shows. Whoever watched their show were really amazed and not only that, they did enjoy the show.

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